Google Trends is an excellent tool. It tracks the popularity of any given search term and provides data on the popularity of a search term over time. And, now, users are able to filter data using search information from YouTube.
How It Works
To try it out, visit the Google Trends landing page. Here, type in any term you are interested in. Once you get the results, click on "Web Search" under the heading "Limit to" on the left side of the page. Here, you will see five search options—select YouTube Search. Doing so will only give you searches that were done on the video sharing site. Pretty cool!
One interesting search term, pointed out by Kevin Allocca, YouTube Trends manager, is "Rebecca Black's 'Friday'". Using this term gets you a peak on each Friday since the video went viral. "Goats" is another fun one because, in the last few months, searches for funny goat videos have skyrocketed.
Naturally, we were interested in terms associated with video production. Using "video production" and limiting data to YouTube, we found that popularity in the term has risen steadily since 2008. Very interesting!
Have fun with the YouTube search results on Google Trends and, better yet, use them to help you understand the ways your target audience is using YouTube. If you need help navigating YouTube or Google Trends, do not hesitate to call our Fairfax video production team at 703.962.1270. We would love to help you better understand YouTube marketing for small businesses in Virginia.