Commemorate Special Occasions with Video
If you're having a big event, why not create a memory of the occasion for everyone and hire a videographer? The experts at Gearshift have been photographing and videotaping big events for twenty years. From Capitol File's White House Correspondents' Dinner to DJ Pauly D at Red Rope, Gearshift has created highlight reels to amaze any audience, whether it be attendees looking for themselves in the shots, or just interested parties looking to see the celebrities at this year's big bash.

Still Not Convinced?
We get it. A bunch on words on a webpage is not going to move the needle. Well you're in luck, because we have a website full of content we've produced over our years of video production. If celebrities and night life are your thing, check out our case study about Capitol File. You can also view our portfolio page. And if you're ready to see how we can help you, just click the button below.