When you finish reading this article, there will be 200 more hours of video on YouTube than there were when you began.
YouTube recently announced that users are loading 28 more hours a minute than they were the year before. When YouTube announced in 2012 that users were uploading 72 hours of content a minute, we were in awe; that's an extraordinary amount of video, and it's hard to fathom.
And, while most of us have recovered from the announcement in 2012, it didn't make this year's number any less jaw dropping. In 2012, users loaded an average of 100 hours of content every 60 seconds. That's four days—four days!—of content loaded every minute.
Your Take Away
If you are a business looking to take advantage of the increase in traffic on YouTube, it's time to step up your game. With 240 days’ worth of video being loaded each and every hour, you need to work harder than ever to stay relevant and be found on YouTube.
A good first step is to take a look at the YouTube Creator Playbook. It can help guide your video production, channel building, and optimization efforts. Integrate these tips into your YouTube marketing plan—after all, they were created by the people making the rules at YouTube. They update the site often to ensure that users have the advice they need to make and promote quality video.
For more tips, or to see how our Northern Virginia web video studio can help you dominate your local market with video, call 703.962.1270.