Gearshift produces professional quality scouting videos for high school athletes in baseball, soccer, basketball, hockey (as you'll see in this video) or any other sport. Griffin Boedicker, 15, is a high school freshman and varsity ice hockey player who understands the power of web video as a powerful tool to reach potential coaches, schools and teams. His recent video is receiving response and reaching viewers across the web.
Scouting videos created by Gearshift TV can highlight your individual talent and ability, as well as explain your position and your role within the team. The professionals at Gearshift have the equipment and the experience to highlight your skill as an athlete. We are located in Fairfax, VA and can travel to your Northern Virginia match, competition, or game to capture you in action.In addition, using our unique green screen studio, we can incorporate statistics, contact information, and virtually any background into your video.
If you are looking to show your skills to potential coaches and universities, Gearshift can help! To learn more about our professional quality scouting videos, call us today at 1-877-477-STUDIO, or fill out a contact form here.