Shorter Videos Perform Better
Great things really do come in small packages. In fact, it's been shown that people are more likely to watch a shorter video in its entirety. One study, done by the folks over at Wistia, showed that the average 30-second video was viewed 84 percent of the way through. Two-minute videos, on the other hand, were only viewed about 50 percent of the way through.
Why is this? It could be the fact that the majority of video is watched on mobile devices or that people in general are less patient nowadays. But, no matter what the cause, the facts are out there, and we should all heed the warning. Keep it short or lose viewers.
How to Do Short and Sweet Right
If your video is going to be short—we recommend under 30 seconds for obvious reasons—it better be good. This means boiling down your message and video concept to the elements that really catch the attention of your viewers and compel them to visit your business.
A green screen studio can help you make a lot of high-quality videos in a short amount of time, which will save you money, give you more videos in less time, ensure that your videos are done right, and help to advance your brand. At our Northern Virginia green screen video studio, we can assist you in any phase of your project.
Call 703.962.1270 to speak with a member of our team. We can help get your message across—short, sweet, and highly effective.