Make Your Concept Clear Before Booking Time in Our D.C.-Area Video Studio

When you started your business, you had a business plan. You knew just where your money was going, what your concept was, and what goals you wanted to achieve. The same holds true for the videos you plan to shoot as part of your marketing campaign.

Lipstick on a Pig

If you don't have a real direction for your video, or if your vision is poorly thought out, there is no amount of fancy camera tricks or edits that will help it succeed. There is simply no way to dress up an ugly, confusing video.

So, before you even think about booking time in a D.C. video studio, get your message straight. To do so, think hard about the following questions:

  • Why am I making this video?
  • What kind of image do I want my video to portray?
  • Will my video answer the questions on the viewer’s mind?
  • Will my video portray my product or service in a positive light?
  • Does my concept make sense to people unfamiliar with my business?
  • Is my video script easy to read?
  • Am I going to star in the videos, or do I need to find an employee or hire a spokesmodel to do so?

Let your answers guide you as you create the concept and script for your video.


You know you need web video to run a successful web marketing campaign, but you don't know where to start. Don't worry, we can help! Call 703.962.1270 to speak with a member of our D.C. video production team. Our production services include help with video scripts, video concept, editing, and coding.

From concept to creation, Gearshift TV has you covered. Call today, or request our free guide to making effective web video, Nine Nifty Tips for Effective Video Clips.

Jim Folliard
Connect with me
Founder, Director, Cinematographer, Photographer & Editor