Using green screen, or chroma key technology, is beneficial in many ways. Using a green screen allows the filmmaker to layer any background with the subject being filmed or photographed. The subject is filmed against the green (sometimes blue) background, which is replaced in post-production by a digitally generated background.
Besides the most palpable advantage to using a green screen, that is, the ability to produce essentially any setting in a controlled environment (green screen studio), there are a number of additional advantages to this technique.
First, shooting on a green screen instead of on-location saves time. Because the background added is digitally generated, there is no need to travel beyond the studio to achieve a desired setting. In addition to saving time, this is almost much more cost effective.
Filming and photographing in a studio instead of on-location ensures that the shoot will not be delayed for reasons beyond the the filmmakers' control, such as weather conditions, availability of certain locations, etc. The controlled environment provided by a green screen studio ensures that external noise; lighting conditions, etc. do not have to be factored into the filming process.
For more information like this, or for questions about how you can produce your green screen videos at Gearshift, contact us at 877-477-STUDIO.