You're really asking a lot here. It's like being made to pick your favorite child!
But, if I must, I'd say the #1 benefit of green screen video is the controlled shooting environment. We know what the lighting will be like. There is no need to worry about weather or permits or stray dogs or photobombers. Everything is ready and waiting, and there are few, if any, disruptions the day of the shoot. While we love doing on-location video shoots in DC and across Virginia, we recognize that clients don't love encountering surprises on the day of their shoot. This is why I really like green screen shoots; they eliminate many of the variables and allow the client to focus on their performance.
But Then Again...
I also really love that we can go back and easily make changes to videos that have been shot with a green screen. The best example of this is when a logo changes. If you made a traditional, on-location video, you may need to reshoot the entire video. However, with green screen, it's easy to alter the images that have been added to your video. Perfect!
And then there's the money- and time-saving aspect. To shoot an on-location video with four different backgrounds would take days. But, with a green screen, we are able to shoot multiple videos within the space of a few hours. Since the lighting, camera, and sound equipment are already set-up, hours are taken off the production schedule, which is an important time and money saver.
To find out more about why shooting your web videos in our DC metro green screen studio is a fantastic idea, call 703.962.1270.