The Three Best Reasons to Shoot a Green Screen Video

Many people think that green screen videos are just for novelty and that they are reserved for Steven Spielberg and his contemporaries. They picture extravagant movies with Godzilla in the background and the hero flying through the air. But, in reality, green screen is a highly effective and efficient method of video production.   

If you choose to shoot a green screen video, you will:

  1. Save time. Using a green screen studio will save you a ton of time. All the equipment is set up so that all you have to do is show up and shoot. You will waste no time doing all the tear downs and setups associated with an on-location shoot
  2. Save money. When renting a video studio or the services of a Virginia video crew, time is money. By using a dedicated green screen studio, you can shoot multiple videos in a short amount of time. This is because everything, from lighting to camera equipment to a dressing room, is all set up and ready to go.
  3. Be able to brand with ease. With a green screen video, it's simple to add branding elements to your videos. Colors and graphics are easy to add, meaning your brand and your name remain front and center. Also, should your logo or other branding image change, the video can be easily altered to display the new image—no reshooting necessary.

While on-location video shoots in DC do have their benefits, many of our clients choose green screen videos for the above reasons. After all, what small business can argue with saving time and money?

Our Northern Virginia green screen video studio isn't a fly-by-night operation. Our spacious studio allows for production of high-quality, professional videos. For more information about our services, or to schedule a tour of our facilities, call 703.962.1270 today.


Jim Folliard
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Founder, Director, Cinematographer, Photographer & Editor