Restaurants benefit from Web video just like any other small business. With video, you can tie together the things that make your restaurant a unique spot in which to dine, in a very inviting way. You can highlight your ingredients, your menu, your location, and your passion for a great dining experience with the depth and creativity that radio or print simply can’t deliver alone. Not to mention that the effectiveness of online marketing makes tracking your advertising dollars easy.
Whether your establishment is new to the restaurant scene or you’re expanding into new locations, an online presence will keep customers informed of what you have cooking. With the restaurant and social applications for today’s smartphones and the “checking in” feature for Facebook, more and more foot traffic is generated by putting your business online. Visibility on the Web is key to working with potential customers’ sense of spontaneity and a great video can make all the difference in choice.
Gearshift is a DC video production studio with experience in putting area restaurants on the map. We will bring creative expertise and sensibility to an online video campaign that will make the most out of your restaurant, your food, and your location - basically everything that you bring to the table!
Contact Gearshift at 877-477-STUDIO to find out more.